What Is Cicret Bracelet And How It Works?

cicret bracelet - smartphone on your wrist arm
cicret bracelet - image courtessy of google image
Cicret Smart Bracelet maybe the best invention for 2015 but,this technology doesn't exist yet. The video that we saw on youtube is just a mockup,despite for the mockup video this cicret bracelet is absolutey the best technology in smartphone inventions.

What Is Cicret Bracelet ?
The Cicret bracelet is works on your arms,it wearable like common bracelet on your wrist arm the video proclaims. The users in the video are wearing a thin plastic wrist band and simply flick their wrist to summon forth an Android touch-screen surface on their forearm.

How Cicret Bracelet Works ?
A certain projector called pico projector  is creating this image and a set of eight proximity sensors along the wrist band create the touch interface. The wrist band is loaded with unseen electronic components that give it all the functionality of a smartwatch and more, according to a schematic-style diagram shown in the video.The Bracelet comprises a pico projector and a row of eight proximity sensors that point towards the user's forearm. It operates as a standalone device and, when activated with a twist of the wrist, projects an Android interface onto the users arm. Hopely that cicret bracelet can be available soon on the market.
What Is Cicret Bracelet And How It Works?
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